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How US-China Relations Endure Amid Geopolitical Controversies.

US-China relations

Key Sentence:

  • The continued high level of trade between the United States and China.

The return to pre-pandemic visas for US-China relations Chinese students traveling to the United States underscore the cooperation between the two countries at a time of escalating geopolitical conflict between them, President of One of the best think tanks in the world. The continent at the US-China Business Forum hosted by Forbes China on Thursday.

“They can work together in many ways,” said Henry Wang, founder, and president of the Beijing-based Center for China. “They don’t have to split up,” Wang said. “We should not describe ourselves as ‘college war participants’ or even as ‘technology wars,'” he said. “We have a lot of other things to do.”

In today’s speech by US-China relations Vice President Kamala Harris in Singapore, the differences in geopolitical issues became apparent. “We know Beijing continues to enforce, intimidate and claim large parts of the South China Sea,” Harris said. “Beijing’s actions continue to undermine the rules and threaten the country’s sovereignty.

The third annual US-China relations Business Forum takes place online on the topic “Impulse Recovery.”

Expected progress on the US-China deal could be hurt by a change in the top US position after the Biden administration took office earlier this year, Wang said. Just last week, Biden nominated career diplomat Nicholas Burns to fill the US ambassador to China post that opened last year. “I can (Biden) understand that there is a lot of concern in this country,” Wang said.

However, he continued, “The world cannot wait for the United States and China to cooperate.”

Wang suggested that the US unilaterally remove import taxes imposed on Trump favor the World Trade Organization’s multilateral decisions. “Let’s revive the WTO,” he said, referring to a ministerial conference planned there in November. This year’s comprehensive global minimum corporate tax agreement, backed by the United States and China, also provides avenues for other economic cooperation, Wang said.
