Music Director Maggie Phillips on the challenges of providing iconic songs for Hulu shows

“Everything is expensive,” Phillips said in late 2010.

Hulu’s limited series was created between 2003 and 2018 when hip-hop was dominant, and artists like Eminem and Kanye West were redefining the genre. Phillips told THR that while the show’s writing team didn’t have much information on what Holmes was listening to, they did know he loved rap and hip-hop.

“We know he listens to rap and hip-hop, and we know he likes the Alabama song [I’m A Certain (and I’m Not Knowing Why)] that we did for the pilot,” he said. Phillips. “And that’s all we know.

So we took it as a starting point, and then we had fun picking out hits from that era.

[Showrunner] Liz Merriweather wanted to show the times things scream where we are in every story because it’s also like trying to keep the story going and keep people updated on where we’ve been for 15 years. So we want to be very specific.”

We know he listens to rap and hip-hop, and we know he likes the Alabama song [I’m A Soon (and I’m A Certain (and I Don’t Know Why))] that we’re piloting,” Phillips said. And that’s all we knew. So we took it as a starting point, and then we had fun picking out hits from that era. [Showrunner] Liz Merriweather wanted to point out the things we have to shout about in every story because it’s like trying to save an account and keep people on the track where we have to track 15 years; we want to be very specific.

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