Nostalgic London asked native Italian moms and grandmothers to be rotating chefs at her restaurant, My Momma

Nostalgic London decided to abandon the work of a culinary school graduate and establish this almost mystical allegory of culinary folklore – the Italian grandmother.

Nostalgic London For Pepe Corsaro, his return to his roots is a significant blow to the London restaurant scene. Bringing in dozens of moms from every region of Italy.

La Mia Mamma is a three-month home cooking program for Italian mothers. And grandmothers who want to travel to London to showcase the culinary delights of their region or country. It started when Corsaro, longing for his native Sicily and the Sunday marathon lunch he loved. Though he would fly in with his mother to cook for him at the restaurant.

Sportily, his mother, Anna Fama, immediately agreed and the project launched as a pop-up in 2018. Since then, Corsaro has expanded the trial to two restaurants and a full-time delicatessen.

Three months later, three local mothers handed over their hats to a brigade of new mothers from various regions.

In addition to the exceptional taste and attention to detail, the secret to La Mia Mamma’s success lies in the fact that preparation and dishes can vary significantly from region to region and even within areas. Providing diners with almost limitless opportunities to deepen their understanding. About the spacious Italian kitchen. . .

For example, German influence in northern Lombardy is not often reflected in the food capital of Milan, let alone in the province bordering Emilia Romagna to the south.

“We’re not looking for professional chefs; we’re looking for housewives to cook for their families,” Corsaro told n. Most mothers are over 60 years old and have never lived abroad. The mothers were checked on social media before flying to London for a quick demonstration. They then receive accommodation, tickets, and a salary roughly equivalent to a chef.

“Never before has a mother left so happy, and those who leave often ask when they can return. Says the original Ibu Fama, who acts as an ambassador and helps mothers feel more comfortable.

Most moms aren’t used to cooking for 200 people in a restaurant, but it’s always a relaxed attitude, as you can imagine from home cooking.

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