Oware raises $3.3 million to crack Pakistan’s logistics problems

Upgrading Pakistan’s aging logistics infrastructure will help its businesses grow and expand its economy. Said startup Oware raises, which today announced its first round of funding of $3.3 million. Founded last June, the company promises to help companies increase sales through more flexible warehousing and more qualified distribution.

Oware raises founders Raza Kazmi and Adil Nisar say business in Pakistan is hampered by outdated logistics systems. The founders said they struggled to provide new storage capacity for stock. Finding it difficult to monitor their inventory and facing complicated distribution issues.

“Our solution to this problem is based on a shared infrastructure that allows companies to build revenue without significantly increasing costs,” said Nisar.

In this context, Oware’s solutions are threefold. First, the company opened 15 warehouses in four cities with a lease area of ​​500,000 square feet; Businesses can sign up to rent the space they need at one of these facilities instead of finding a warehouse themselves. In addition, Oware offers distribution services that move company goods from warehouses to customers. Such as retailers and fulfillment centers, according to their orders. This intercompany distribution is critical in a country where competition for long-distance delivery to consumers has recently increased productivity. But the previous stage of distribution has been neglecte.

The fix piece of the puzzle is modern logistics technology.

Oware builds dashboards that connect to all moving parts of supply and distribution, giving customers a better view of stock and operating levels. Technology can also help reduce costs – for example. By analyzing the trade-off between holding fees and shipping prices to determine where inventory is best store.

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