Brazil: Amazon experiences worst deforestation in 15 years

According to official information, deforestation of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil has reached its highest level in more than 15 years. The Brazilian space agency Inpe found that deforestation had increased by 22% in one year.

The Amazon is home to about three million species of plants and animals and one million local people. It is an essential source of carbon that slows down the rate of global warming.

According to the latest data, some 13,235 square kilometers (5,110 square miles) were lost in the 2020-21 period, the highest number since 2006. Environment Minister Joaquim Leite said the data was a “challenge” and said. We need to be stronger in tackling this crime. He added that the data “does not accurately reflect the situation over the past few months.”

He also took a stand against Inpe for cutting down forests in the past, accusing the agency of damaging Brazil’s reputation in 2019. But at a climate change conference in Glasgow in November. Brazil was among several countries that signed a significant deal to end and reverse this practice.

The pledge includes nearly £14 billion ($19.2 billion) in public and private funding

. Some go to developing countries to rebuild destroyed land, fight forest fires and support local communities. Previously, the close link between Amazon deforestation and international supply chains had been revealed. Last year, a Greenpeace investigation found a link between mass deforestation in the area and the sale of food in British supermarkets and restaurants.

The investigation found that Tesco, Asda, Lidl, Nando’s, and McDonald’s were selling. Meat from British suppliers fed soybeans grown on farms in deforested areas. Analysis box from Katie Watson, South American correspondent. Just this week, while on tour through Dubai, Jair Bolsonaro told investors that the deforestation attacks in Brazil were “unfair.”

“We want people to know the real Brazil,” he said, adding that 90% of the forest had been preserved. Well, these latest figures show the real Brazil. A country whose government has spoken from the start about Amazon’s development opportunities while playing down environmental concerns.

Furthermore, these figures are dated 27 October – appear to have been held until after COP26. Jair Bolsonaro didn’t attend COP26, but his delegation wanted to go to Glasgow and convince the world. That people were wrong about Brazil – they even said they would continue their commitment to end deforestation until 2028.

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