Will Facebook’s Metamorphosis Work? This Is Simply Of The Main Corporation.

Key Sentence:

  • The company, which was previously called Facebook, has a new name, Meta.
  • Facebook, Instagram, and all known platforms will still be because this is just a renaming of the parent company.

The new name also invites you to take part in the “next chapter” – a 3D journey into the Metaverse it sees as the future of the Internet. However, some analysts wonder whether the public trusts the company enough to take part in Mark Zuckerberg’s new vision.

Is meta important?

Analysts say that the new name has brought together millions of online searches for certain meta-apps in the UK and the US. Dive into the Oxford English Dictionary, and there are different meta definitions. As a prefix, it means “Change, Transformation, Permutation or Substitution” or “beyond, above, on a higher level.”

The company says it prefers to “go beyond” but is also looking for some metamorphosis. It could also be an opportunity to welcome a new brand untouched by leaks and negative press. However, a Forrester analyst stated that “a name change doesn’t abruptly remove a systemic problem plaguing the company.”

Officially, however, it’s about the future. “Our new brand captures where our company is headed and the future we want to help shape,” says Meta. That goal is a metaverse.

What is the name of God in a metaverse?

The company believes that Metaverse will be the next evolution in how we use the Internet. In the future, you can instantly teleport as a hologram to be in the office without traveling. To a concert with friends, or to catch up in your parents’ living room. Wrote CEO Mr. Zuckerberg. Media signature Chris Cox, Chief Product Officer of Meta, explains the new name.

Some of this might sound familiar of those who videoconference about the pandemic, but the metaverse vision will remind others of previous virtual worlds like Second Life. However, Meta emphasizes that this is not a virtual world, but a new three-dimensional space. That is used and can be accessed in different ways and says: “Augmented reality glasses to stay in the physical world, virtual reality to fully immerse, and the phone. “and computers to jump off existing platforms.”

The company says it’s a “social 3D virtual space where you can share immersive experiences with others. Even when you can’t be together in person – and do things together that you can’t live in the physical world. Azeem Azhar, the author of Exponential, said, “This will not be included in the VR headphones. That are in the corner of the living room. Instead, it’s going to be a series of things that will show up in our apps and on our devices as they keep getting better.”

Will this work?

Technology analyst Benedict Evans described Facebook’s motivations in The Times as follows. If there’s anything behind smartphones, Facebook wants to be the landlord, not the tenant.”

But is Metaverse the right property?

Mr. Azhar said “Breakpoint” answered the question for the general consumer, “What exactly are we going to do with this?” At this time, he said: “We are still looking for truly lethal applications of this technology for virtual reality and augmented reality.” And if it works, Metaverse will sit next to it instead of replacing existing technology. “It’s probably been 20 years since text messaging became popular. And people are still texting, even though there are many other ways to communicate with each other.

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