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Whitney Way Thore Discloses Open Relationship With Her French Girlfriend

Whitney Way Thore

In an exclusive clip from Tuesday’s episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, the reality show star said she and her French boyfriend had “broke up” on their relationship.

Whitney Way Thore tells her friends about their relationship’s ‘big news.

In People’s exclusive preview of Tuesday’s episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, the 38-year-old travels to St. Lucia with a group of her friends. At the start of the holiday, Torre, who is in a long-distance relationship with his French girlfriend, revealed that he is now in an open relationship.

“I have big news… about the Frenchman,” the reality star said dubiously. “Well… we didn’t break up but basically I was trying to figure out when we could see each other again and we had a lot to talk about and we basically instituted a new don’t ask, don’t tell” rule.

“I thought do we have an open relationship? I don’t know what it is,” Thor added, before his friends, visibly shocked at the news, explained that it was “just right.”

“So I’m in an unusual relationship right now,” he said, while his brother Hunter joked, “I’m pretty sure it was unusual before.”

Thor’s relationship began last year after the two met through an online language course. Her boyfriend – who asked to remain anonymous and not fully featured on his TLC Torre show or Instagram – lives in Paris, and he claims their relationship is strong, even though they don’t see each other very often.

“The French and I are realistic about the time we can actually see each other physically,” Thor said. “So we are officially loosening the ties of our relationship, physically. Just in case I can go on a vacation adventure.”

Her best friend Jessica confessed that while she had doubts about the situation, she supported Thor’s decision.

“If they have that rule and it’s really within the parameters, then I think Whitney should have fun,” he explained. “For me personally in my relationship, it’s none of my business. I don’t know, maybe it can turn left radically.”
