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WCED’s Arrangement Of Previous Head Brian Schreuder As Consultant Questioned From His New Arrangement.”

Brian Schreuder

Cape Town – The arrangement of the previous head of training in the Western Cape, Brian Schreuder, as a guide to the division has caused a stir among the schooling organization. Schreuder, who resigned in March, has been named on an agreement to encourage the division in regions that require expert consideration, including assessment organization.

Heathfield High Special Action Group administrator Brandon de Kock said to select Schreuder was a smack in the essences of similarly and appropriately qualified up-and-comers. ANC’s typical representative on schooling, Khalid Sayed, said a month after Schreuder’s retirement, they heard bits of hearsay that he was yet in the utilize of Western Cape Education Department (WCED).

“We then, at that point, offered a conversation starter for the composed answer to the Education MEC Debbie Schäfer, who demonstrated that he is not, at this point in the utilize,” said Sayed. Therefore, the ANC will request the MEC to furnish the lawmaking body with full subtleties from his new arrangement.”

Nonetheless, he said they wished Schreuder well for his retirement and trusted that he would contribute to the more extensive idea initiative in schooling. “We, in any case, are frustrated that he is officially in the utilize of WCED at the level of the administration. On the off chance that the MEC needed his ability, she might have designated him as her uncommon counselor in her political office and not the division,” he said.

WCED representative Bronagh Hammond said in March that the appointee chief general for educational plan and assessment organization resigned. Toward the finish of that month, the central chief for assessment organization was likewise resigning, and two top posts would be empty, leaving an enormous hole in the particular field.

Hammond said measures should have been continued as far as arrangement and appropriate competitors found. “This isn’t simple, given this extremely particular field. The present circumstance isn’t great. But, be that because it may, it is simply the position we find in,” Hammond said.

She said those posts had been promoted yet required an agreement position that could aid the break, notwithstanding guidance in different regions. There are not very many individuals in the country with the information and experience of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and its organization other than Schreuder. The DDG and boss chief positions are in their last stages as far as the arrangement interaction.”

She said Schreuder had insight in assessment organization, both in the Umalusi gathering and principles board of trustees going back 20 years and as DDG for the educational program and assessment organization from 2001 to 2017 – when he was designated as HOD.
