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Twitter Is Testing A “Mislead” Report Button For The First Time.


Key Sentence:

  • Twitter introduced a way to report posts as “misleading” for the first time.
  • Many prominent social networks have been accused of not spreading misinformation during the Covid pandemic and the US election campaign.

Twitter’s reporting feature never offered a clear option for such posts. It is said that the unique feature is just a trial and will initially only be available in a few countries. “Some people in Australia, South Korea, and the United States will now see the ‘This is misleading’ option when trying to tweet, the tech giant said.

He also warned consumers that the system might not have a significant effect.

“We are assessing whether this is an effective approach, so let’s start small,” the company said in its security report. “We may not take action or respond to every report in the experiment. Your feedback will help us identify trends so we can improve the speed and wider scope of our disinformation work.”

Twitter optimizes the new font after dizzy.

The Twitter algorithm supports thinner and younger faces. Twitter plans to eventually roll out the feature in other countries around the world. Currently, someone reporting misinformation has to choose between. This is suspicious or spam” or “offensive or harmful” options and then narrow it down to a more specific subcategory to generate the report.

Because the options are so specific, it’s often not clear which one to use.

Analyzer box by Mariana Spring, misinformation and social media reporter
If I had a dime from the number of times people texted me asking why I can’t report misinformation on Twitter. I’d be a wealthy woman. Since the pandemic, pressure has been mounting on social media sites to do more to counter the wave of dangerous lies that have spread online.

These include unfounded conspiracies about Covid-19 and vaccines, as well as about last year’s US election. Which continue to lead to riots on Capitol Hill and US President Donald Trump’s account being blocked.

I’ve spent the last year also a half covering up the real effects of misleading online posts to scare people off the blow of Covid, destroy relationships, and provoke violence.

Some critics say the disinformation reporting option should have been introduced months ago to prevent this breakdown offline. But the question remains: what effect will it have? There are concerns that social media sites will struggle to contain the avalanche of the reported content. Including those who spread lies who then label the correct information as misleading.

Twitter has focused on blocking and unblocking accounts that constantly spread malicious misinformation about Covid-19 when the company found out.

He also started flagging such tweets in early 2020, announced partnerships with news organizations to expose misinformation. Launched a pilot in January that allowed a small number of people to submit “notes.” However, Twitter and other tech giants continue to be criticized for spreading false information.

Top executives have appeared repeatedly before American politicians to answer questions about their policies. At the same time, groups such as the Center for Countering the Digital Hate accuse them of not doing enough misinformation about vaccines – including the dangers.
