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Treatment Using Vitamin A To Get Rid Of The Corona Virus Smell.

Vitamin A

Key Sentence:

  • Vitamin A nasal drops may treat the loss or alteration of the sense of smell in some people with Covid, British researchers say.
  • The University of East Anglia runs a 12-week probationary period.

Only a few volunteer patients were treated, but all were asked to smell pungent odors like rotten eggs and roses. And brain scans check whether the vitamin has repaired damaged olfactory pathways or “olfactory nerves.”

Since getting covid, the food makes me throw up.

With the loss of the rich smell, the meat tastes like gasoline. Loss or a change in the sense of smell is a common symptom of Covid, although many other viruses, such as the flu, can also cause it. And while most people recover naturally within a few weeks, many are left with persistent odor disturbances.

Lina Alnadi, 29, from London, suffers from parousia after covid, which changes the smell of many familiar things. For example, tap water smells bad, the smell you or I get from a swamp or sewer. The coriander herb smells of deodorant.

“There’s a lot of food I can’t handle. It’s annoying.”

Even simple things like bathing or brushing teeth are uncomfortable because of his distorted sense of smell. But the situation gradually improved, and Lina found some ways to help. “Adding lemon or chili peppers to food can make it smell better,” she says.

“I’ve also experimented and made a list of safe foods that won’t make me throw up. “I have to be creative to make sure I eat enough right things to stay healthy.”

The leading researcher, Prof. Carl Philpott of the UAE Medical School in Norwich and James Page University Hospitals, NHS Trust, said: “We wanted to find out whether the size and activity of the olfactory pathways were damaged in the brains of patients when treated with vitamins. The nose drop increases.

Vitamin A or retinol helps maintain:

Immune system – The body’s own defense against disease and infection
Vision, deficient light vision. the skin and mucous membranes of particular body parts, including the nose. Many dairy products and some vegetables contain this fat-soluble vitamin. But people taking vitamin A supplements should know that too much can be harmful.
