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TikTok Increases Most Video Length To 3 Minutes Beauty Lesson Complexes, Lesson Plans.


Previously, YouTubers were limited to 60 seconds of upload.

TikTok creators will soon be able to upload videos up to three minutes long – a significant improvement from the current one-minute limit that forces YouTubers to, Open a recipe or share Narrative time is divided into several parts.

The creators already know how to put together a multi-part story on TikTok (we all know the phrase “Like and Follow Part 3”), but we often hear from the creators that they want a little more time for their cooking demonstrations, beauty lesson complexes, lesson plans.

education and comedy life sketches with TikTok’s creative tools,” wrote Drew Kirchhoff, TikTok product manager, in a blog post on Thursday, announcing the changes. “With longer videos, creators can create new or expanded types of TikTok content, with a little more flexibility.”

NPR pulled out of its public service mission, but the nonprofit is still “up” for subscriptions to Apple and Spotify, as described by Joel Sucherman, the partnership for the new NPR platform. In enhancement to reaching consumers where they are, Sucherman also has a way to use subscriptions to popular shows like Planet Money and Code Switch to increase membership in local NPR partners.

A pilot program including a small group of broadcasters is slated to begin later this year, and if it goes well, NPR will move on to a full release in 2022. Sucherman notes, “This way, we support all public radio stations and ensure we use NPR podcasts for help and support members. “

The expanded video will be available to all creators around the world “in the coming weeks,” Kirchhoff said though noting that some creators have had success experimenting with the form. In addition, creators will be notified in their app when they can upload longer videos.

“With all the ways our community redefines expression in less than 60 seconds, we love that people continue to have fun and let themselves be inspired for a few more seconds – and the world of creativity,” says Kirchhoff.
