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This Entrepreneur Has Made It His Business To Master Global Health Challenges.

Mountain Valley MD

Key Sentence:

  • If the past year and a half have shown anything, it set’s pharmaceutical and biotech startups to a new future for human health.
  • The sector remains hot as the world celebrates the success of Moderna and BioNTech’ mRNA-based vaccines.

One company pushing is Mountain Valley MD (MVMD), based in Toronto. They are developing patented technology that could be the key to making existing world-class drugs and vaccines more effective, more accessible, and more accessible worldwide. They are also working on a drug to stop cancer which is very difficult to treat.

Veteran entrepreneur Dennis Hancock runs him. He has more than 25 years of experience representing world-renowned brands in the automotive, pharmaceutical, technology, telecommunications, and finance sectors. He is now designing courses to bring MVMD to the forefront of the biotechnology industry.

A man on a mission
Dennis Hancock first joined MVMD as a consultant in 2018 after hearing that the company was exploring new uses for the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin. This drug has been in public use since the late 1970s to treat some of the world’s most resistant parasites.

Researchers have long known that the drug has several unique properties that could make it helpful in fighting other diseases. The most famous is cancer. Dennis has seen many of his closest people lose their lives to the disease and took the opportunity to help find a possible cure. When the opportunity presents itself, Dennis is happy to take on the role of CEO to help build the business and brand on the world stage.

In that way, he immediately put his stamp on companies and urged them to go out and turn their research into practical products. On this issue, he said, “I wanted to use solutions that moved at the speed of technology, and I fostered a corporate culture that failed quickly. I believe that companies that don’t make mistakes every day are not trying hard enough. “”
