“There is a place inside you that you must leave untouched”: Maya Angelou

“If someone comes to you with abusive, invasive language, you have to be able to say support,” he said.

An American poet and civil rights activist, Dr. Maya Angelou, has inspired people worldwide through her writings, advice, and teachings.

As Oprah Dr. Angelou on her show asked, “What’s the best advice you’ve ever given?” He replied, “The best advice I’ve ever been given – I hope – is the one I gave my son growing up.” He said: “I have no friends. How can I make friends?” So I told him two things. I told him, “To have a friend, you have to be a friend.” And I also told him, “There’s a place inside you that you have to keep intact. You have to keep it clean so that no one has the right to curse you or mistreat you. No one.

No mother, no father, no wife, no husband, no one.”

There is a place

According to him, people should say “no if not.” For her, her son’s advice to be careful has emotional and spiritual reasons: “This can be the place you go when you meet God,” “You must have a place to stop, can say.” then. Back… “Because this place has to be kept clean and tidy.” The poet adds, “When someone comes to you in a rude, offensive language, you should be able to say ‘wait.'”

When Oprah asked him, “What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?” Angelou replied, “The best advice is to forgive” to protect yourself.

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