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The Republican-proposed federal abortion ban would make the procedure illegal after 15 weeks in every state

Republican-proposed federal

The Republican-proposed South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has introduced legislation that would enforce a nationwide abortion ban but is unlikely to pass the Democratic-led Congress.

The Republican-proposed South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has introduced legislation that would make a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks.

On Tuesday, Graham discussed the new law – which would punish medics who perform the procedure after 15 weeks to five years in prison. The national ban will have some exceptions.

“I think we should have a law that says after 15 weeks no abortion can be done. On request except in cases of rape or incest to save the mother’s life,” Graham told a news conference. “Also that’s where America should be.”

The move attempts to unite Republicans in an anti-abortion stance ahead of the midterm elections. However, the bill is highly not like to pass Congress, where Democrats hold a majority. Many Democratic leaders were quick to share their opposition to Graham’s proposal.

“The proposed statewide abortion ban announced today is the latest and clearest signal of the MAGA Republican Party’s intention to criminalize women’s health liberties in all 50 states aslo arrest doctors for providing essential medical care,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The White House also criticized the bill and promised to restore rights granted after Roe v. Wade disappeared.

“Today, Senator Graham introduced a national abortion ban that would deprive women of rights in all 50 states. This bill is completely against what Americans believe,” White House press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre said in a statement.

“As President Biden and Vice President Harris focus on passing the historic Deflation Act to cut the cost of prescription drugs, healthcare also energy and taking unprecedented action to combat climate change. The Republicans in Congress are focused on saving the millions of people who are dying. Take people’s rights away from women. ,” he continued. “President Biden and Congressional Democrats are committed to protecting Roe v. Wade in the face of continued radical moves by elected Republicans to place personal healthcare decisions in the hands of politicians rather than women and their doctors, threatening women’s health and lives.”
