The Meta Universal Plan Proposed By Facebook Has Been Dubbed.

Key Sentence:

  • One of Facebook’s youngest donors has described the web-based media monster deal for the Metaverse as “tragic.”
  • Meta, as Facebook is called today, invested billions in the company.

However, Roger McNamee said, “This is an impractical idea, and the fact that we are all sitting down together and seeing this as a matter, of course, should confuse everyone.” Meta center spokesman Chris Cox told participants at the Lisbon summit that the idea would bring “a lower net rate.”

He said it would be better than video conferencing as a meeting place.

However, on one such occasion, Mr. McNami was very suspicious. “Facebook shouldn’t do a tragic metaverse,” he said. That’s the next big thing. What is Metaverse? Facebook changed its name to meta in a massive rebranding. McNamee-san became an expert on Facebook after seeing more lies on stage. He said he did not believe the Metaverse would be protected in the hands of CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

“There is no way controllers or politicians would allow Facebook to work there [in the metaverse] or include digital currency,” he said.

“Facebook should have lost the ability to make its own decisions. The controllers have to be there and support everything first. Otherwise, the amount of damage they do is unlimited. Meta Representative Mr. Cox takes an alternative view – that thinking about the Metaverse is the next step for the network as a whole, not just the organization. “Innovation often starts with conforming to the lower end of what is happening,” he said.

Meta’s contribution to the Oculus Augmented Reality Headphones Meta is that ongoing innovation can be “fun.” Mr. Cox told Nicholas Carlson, editor-in-chief of Insider, that his conversations with Metaverse included facilitating meetings and entertaining staff.

He said he and his wife had seen a satirical show with a Facebook rep in which they all appeared as symbols. “Twenty of us in the room, guys, we all giggled together. This equivalent innovation is a viable option compare to video calling, he said. Chris Cox, a Meta center team member, contacted the on the day of the rebranding. “Everyone’s exhausted from video conferencing. You don’t know who’s keeping an eye on everyone’s identity and constantly harassing each other.”

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