“It’s time Taraji P. Hanson to start talking about guns that have more rights than women,” Hanson said during his introductory monologue at the 2022 BET Awards.
Taraji P. Hanson spoke about the recent overthrow of the US Supreme Court in Rowe v. Wade, which defends abortion rights in all states.
During her opening monologue at the 2022 BET Awards, held at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, the actress and award presenter spoke about the SCOTUS decision, made on Friday, that allowed the state to ban people from having abortions.
“It’s time to step up,” said Hanson, 51, who wore a gold dress with slits during her opening statement.
“It’s time to start talking that guns have more rights than women.” “This is a sad day in America. “A spear that can take lives has more ability than a woman who can give life if she wants to.” “It’s about time I took it off my chest.”
When Janelle Monáe took the stage to perform, she told the audience, “F – Supreme Court,” and received a standing ovation from the rest of the audience. While the award for Best R&B/Pop Singer shortly after that, Jasmine Sullivan also shared her thoughts on SCOTUS’ decision to turn the critical case around.
“For men, if you have ever benefited from a woman who made one of the toughest decisions of her life, which was to have an abortion, you should be with us,” the 35-year-old Pick-Up singer told Your Feelings. “It’s not just a women’s problem,” Sullivan continued. “This is everyone’s problem, also we need your support more than ever… Do you all understand us? Because we have you.”
Hanson, Monae, and Sullivan joined celebrities including Kesha, Olivia Rodrigo, Megan Ti Stallion, and others, speaking publicly on Friday about Rowe’s cancellation of Wade.