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Sally Rooney: Beautiful World, Where Are You? Has Received Positive Reviews.

Sally Rooney

Key Sentence:

  • Critics have dubbed Sally Rooney’s long-awaited third book as “the best novel” and “the strongest writing” – but also “a puzzle novel – brilliant and inadequate.”

Reviews of Sally Rooney Welt, where you just appeared.

This is a continuation of the famous conversation of the Irish writer with friends and ordinary people. For all its structural quirks, ‘Beautiful World – Where Are You’ is Rooney’s best novel,” reports the Times. “Your prose now lacks the awkward moments – especially the metaphors – that characterize ordinary people and conversations with friends,” said newspaper critic James Marriott.

“Your idea is more complete, more poetic.

“The emotional mastery and technical mastery Sally Rooney of the last page of the book reveal him as a novelist. Who can immediately do more or less what he wants – when he’s no longer around.” According to Financial Times critic Diana Evans, the novel published Tuesday has “touching honesty and truth … along with a serene brilliance,” Financial Times critic Diana Evans.

He wrote: “Overall, this is Rooney’s most powerful writing to date, bathed in soft white light. He does some incredible things with James Salter and Proust’s light and airy (sometimes heavy) flash in their photographic mapping. Solid about everyday conscious experience. then extends outward to our little consequence in the vastness of the universe. “

“Best writing”

The plot follows Alice, who strongly disagrees with the attention paid to her wild success. And her friend Eileen, who works for a literary magazine. The author says he uses it as a way to process the attention he receives himself.

“That’s why I had to write this book,” he told the New York Times, “because, for a while. My life was so shaped by the success of my two previous books. Susanna Goldsboro of the Telegraph agrees that Rooney’s new work includes “some of his finest writings” but caveats. Most of the novels are told in the form of emails between Alice and Eileen. Which Goldsboro says “slipped between politics and solid reality, ending up reading more like a Wikipedia entry than fiction.

“Richer Results”

“It’s not that they’re uninteresting – very few things Rooney thinks or writes about,” he wrote. “The problem is that they have nothing to do with the novel business.

“It’s even more frustrating because the jam between emails is one of Rooney’s most beautiful writings. He has formed a name for himself with two books that treat the mechanics of first love with sincerity and scrupulousness, sometimes painful attention to detail. “With all three, he brings the sensitivity to enduring a long love that stretches unspeakably over the years, with richer results.”
