Reverend Dolley-Major Leaves Her Assault Council Feeling Bullied Last Week.

Cape Town – The Diocesan court into the supposed assault of Reverend June Dolley-Major has been hammered as “only a sham” as it should get going at the St George’s Cathedral in Cape Town on Monday.

Dolley-Major said she felt “tormented” at Monday’s procedures, including Reverend Melvin Booysen, where her lawyer, designated by the congregation, was not participating because of testing good for Covid-19 during last week.

As indicated by Dolley-Major, no discussion had been held with her preceding procedures, despite Booysen’s advice being educated regarding her lawyer becoming sick early. Dolley-Major said she was “exceptionally disturbed and profoundly hurt” with how systems went, adding that it caused her to feel as though she had “no voice.”

“As I said from the beginning, this council is an outright sham. It’s a joke and was an outright joke. On Friday, my lawyer, who was picked for me, educated (different gatherings) about it. I was not educated that the one who should address me is Covid positive … They then, at that point, had a gathering without talking with me, that the council would go on July 21,” said Dolley-Major.

As indicated by Dolley-Major, she would be inaccessible on the dates picked by the council as she had focused on casualty support preparing the workshop. I had no say; I had no voice. I’m being hushed by and by … I’m profoundly harmed and baffled. I could feel I was not wanted in that space, and it’s anything but a place of refuge,” said Dolley-Major.

Booysen’s direction presented that managing the matter straightaway is in light of a legitimate concern for equity and that yesterday was difficult to proceed with the matter. They contended a further deferral would bring about Booysen enduring bias adding that “preparation is something that can be delayed and this council should outweigh everything else.”

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