Princess Haya Dubai Ruler Hacked His Ex-Wife’s Phone British Court.

Key Sentencce:

  • The Supreme Court found that Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum, had interfered in British justice by ordering the hacking of his ex-wife, Princess Haya of Jordan.

The court said the calls of his lawyers, Baroness Fiona Shackleton QC and Nick Manners. Both were also forwar during their divorce proceedings. Princess Haya said the discovery made her feel “followed and followed.” Sheikh Mohammed denied knowledge of the hacker attack.

In the ruling published on Wednesday afternoon, the hacking was describ as a “serious violation of domestic (UK) criminal law. A violation of basic common law and the rights of the European Court of Human Rights, interference in this court process and maternal access. Referred to in court” and “abuse of power” by the head of government.

The Chief Justice of the Family Division of the Supreme Court found that the cell phones of (Putri Haya’s) mother, her two lawyers, her assistant.

And two security staff members were the targets of a successful hacking attempt by surveillance software.

The court concluded that supervision was carried out “by the official or agent of the father (Sheikh Mohammed), the emirate of Dubai or [United Arab Emirates] and with the express or implied authority of the father.” The size of the hack is staggering to the data that has given hackers access.

NSO Pegasus software, often called “spyware,” can track a person’s location with a phone. Read text messages, emails, and messages in other applications. And eavesdrop on phone calls and their contact lists and passwords, calendar dates, and photos. In other words, it gives hackers full access to any data they want to see on their target phone.

It also allows hackers to activate the target phone without their knowledge. Record their activity, and even take pictures and screenshots. Including the team member of slain Saudi journalist Jamal Hashoghi.

It is very difficult for victims of such spyware to know that their phone is infected with Pegasus.

The Chief Justice concluded that “concerning (Princess Haya’s) mother. It is clear that the hacking attempt was successful, with a large amount of data (265MB) surreptitiously retrieved from her cell phone”. Sheikh Mohammed denied knowledge of the hack. And said he had not instructed anyone to use NSO “or any software in that way. His legal department said he did not want to argue about the UAE’s security system.

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