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National Startup Day 2024: A Pivotal Moment for Indian Tech

National Startup Day in India, now in its third year, is gaining increasing significance and buzz, indicating its growing importance in celebrating and recognizing startups.

The event, which marks the beginning of the tenth year of Startup India, comes at a pivotal moment for Indian tech. Over the last decade, startups in India have matured and become mainstream, influencing various aspects of society and the economy. The year 2024 is seen as the beginning of the next decade for Indian tech, with expectations of significant growth and maturity.

The Last Decade: ‘Affluent’ India’s Years

The past ten years have seen the emergence and growth of startups, transforming India’s startup landscape. From being a novelty term, startups are now an integral part of everyday conversations. The maturity of startups has come through challenges, and the last two years have highlighted the importance of building businesses responsibly and sustainably. The year 2024 is seen as a demonstration of how far Indian tech has come and its growing resilience.

The Decade to Come: For the Other India

The next decade is expected to bring further growth and evolution to the Indian tech ecosystem. While many startups and tech companies target the affluent population, there is also a realization of opportunities at the grassroots level. Startups focusing on rural, semi-rural, or semi-urban India are looking for the right product-market fit. Agritech, for example, is facing challenges in commercialization models, and solutions are struggling to gain traction organically.

Opportunities in Medium-to-Long Trajectory

There is a growing momentum in the medium-to-long trajectory for economies like India, which are yet to reach their full potential. The focus on “Digital Public Infrastructure” (DPI), including UPI, IndiaStack, DigiLocker, Account Aggregators, and ONDC, has transformed urban areas. The challenge for the next five years is to extend this transformation to smaller towns and underserved segments. India’s favorable global environment and the “China + One” sentiment give it a competitive edge.

Challenges and Opportunities for Indian Startups

The next five to ten years will be crucial for Indian startups to address challenges and seize opportunities. While urban areas have experienced organic growth, attention needs to shift to non-urban regions and underserved segments. The global migration to India provides an opportunity to grow manufacturing in non-urban regions and create high-paying jobs. The challenge is to unlock value sustainably, recognizing that businesses, especially in emerging markets, take time to mature.


National Startup Day 2024 is seen as a pivotal moment for Indian tech, marking the beginning of the next decade. The maturity of startups, the growing affluent population, and the potential for global migration to India present opportunities and challenges. The focus for the coming years is on inclusive growth, addressing the needs of non-urban regions, and unlocking sustainable value in the startup ecosystem. The day serves as a celebration and reflection on the journey of Indian startups over the past decade and sets the stage for the future.
