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Maxine Waters positively diagnoses COVID-19 days after attending the US summit

Maxine Waters

Canadian Maxine Waters Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also tested positive for the virus after attending a major conference in Los Angeles, California, on Thursday.

Rep. Maxine Waters was the last politician to test positive for coronavirus after the Summit of the Americas last week.

The day Maxine Waters after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he had a positive test for COVID-19. Waters (83) said that he had tested positive for the virus a second time.

“Yesterday, after learning of a potential show at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. I was informed that I had a positive test for COVID,” Waters said, adding that he is “now alone” and does not feel any symptoms. “I follow all the protocols recommended by the Office of Physician Care and the guidelines of the CDC [Center for Disease Management and Prevention],” he added. “I’m grateful to have been fully vaccinated and given two revaccinations. If you haven’t received the vaccine and revaccinations, I encourage you to do so. I feel good and at home.”

Trudeau, 50, also doctored the Summit of the Americas. Where he met with President Joe Biden on Thursday, who organized the event with First Lady Jill Biden. “Trudeau test positive for COVID-19. I will follow the guidelines for public health, and I will be alone, “he wrote on Twitter.

“Trudeau feel good, but that’s because I got an injection. So if I don’t, get vaccinated – and if you can, go ahead. Let’s protect our healthcare system, ourselves, and ourselves,” he added. Even though Trudeau and Biden (79) sat without drapes before the meeting. A White House spokesman told News that the president was not considered a “close contact” with Trudeau.
