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Mark Zuckerberg takes covert shots at Apple after releasing $1,499 VR headset

Mark Zuckerberg

On Tuesday, Mark Zuckerberg hinted that he sees Apple as Meta’s main competitor in virtual and augmented reality, which he calls the “Metaverse.”

“In every generation of computers, there’s an open ecosystem and a closed ecosystem. There’s Windows and Mac, then Android and iOS,” Mark Zuckerberg said. “Closed ecosystems focus on tight control and integration to create unique experiences and to shut down. Although most of that value eventually flows to the platform over time.”

Mark Zuckerberg comments echo Facebook’s ongoing complaints about how Apple manages the App Store for the iPhone and iPad.

The only way to install apps on Apple’s iPhone is through the App Store, forcing companies like Facebook to submit their software to Apple’s App Review department for approval and take between 15% and 30% of all digital sales.

Facebook has challenged these restrictions in the past. Zuckerberg has accused Apple of blocking Facebook from adding features to its app.

FB changed its company name to Meta last year, and the larger company is now focusing on virtual reality. And computer-generated virtual worlds known as “Metaverse” to drive the growth of the next generation.

The company warns that it could take until 2030 for Metaverse to generate significant revenue.

Zuckerberg said Meta is focused on an “open ecosystem” that will share the benefits of Meta Universe’s new technologies with more developers and companies.

“I see our role not only in helping to build this open ecosystem. But in ensuring that open ecosystems prevail in the next generation of internet,” Zuckerberg said. Adding that Meta looks forward to working with companies.
