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Kingmaker Parties Talks Between The Center-Left And The Center-Right.

Kingmaker Parties

  • Ten days after the victory of the center-left Social Democrats in Germany, the Greens and Liberals agreed on exploratory talks to support the economy.

With talks with “royal founders” on Thursday, center-left boss Olaf Scholz is one step closer to the Chancellor’s job. It was a blow to conservative leader Armin Lashes, who led his worst electoral performance.

He has not given up: “We are also ready for further talks.”

The head of the HDZ sister party in Bavaria, Marcus Soder, described the decision Kingmaker Parties by the Greens. And the liberal FDP as a “de facto rejection” of a conservatively-led government. Although the two parties came in third and fourth in the election, they were most popular with young voters. Your decision to support talks with the center-left SPD follows initial discussions with the two major parties in recent days.

The center-right HDZ/HSS alliance – known as Union – received 24.1% of the vote on September 26. While the Social Democrats led the polls with 25.7% and won the most seats in parliament. After 16 years of conservative rule under Angela Merkel, Mr. Söder explained on Wednesday Instead, a traffic light Kingmaker Parties coalition of the SPD’s red, yellow. And green liberal parties is now being considered.

The Greens, ideologically closer to PSD Scholz, left the bloc for the first time on Wednesday and said a centre-left coalition made the most sense.

Co-chair Analena Baerbok told reporters that Germany needed a “fresh start” and could not afford a lengthy political stalemate. FDP leader Christian Lindner announced in the morning that the party had accepted a proposal for trilateral talks with the Greens and the SPD to “explore a common language that will advance our country.” He stressed that the Liberals would only join parties that “increase the value of freedom.”
