Kanye West’s Instagram has been suspended for violating the platform’s rules and policies

After Instagram restricted West’s account, he returned to Twitter for the first time since November 2020.

Kanye West’s Instagram faces action from Meta after sharing posts deemed anti-Semitic.

According to News, Instagram restricted the Grammy winner’s account and removed content from his page. After he violated the social media platform’s rules and policies. However, a meta spokesperson did not confirm any outlets violated their rules.

In a now-deleted post on Friday, West shared screenshots of a text message exchange between him and Diddy. Which allegedly shows West claiming Combs is controlled by Jews. “Jesus is Jewish,” he wrote in the photo’s caption, reports NBC News. The American Jewish Committee (AJC) on Friday condemned Western language for perpetuating “anti-Semitic tropes like greed and control,” writing in a statement. Kanye West needs to find a way to do things without resorting to anti-Semitism.”

For a week now, musicians have been inciting hatred against Jews.”

They also mentioned his appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight this week. Where he said Jared Kushner’s work with Israel that led to the peace deal with the United Arab Emirates “is making money.”

“The issue of greed has led to a long list of Jewish stereotypes, such as being money-oriented or controlling the world’s finances. Control issues try to misrepresent the Jews as secret puppet rulers who rule over others,” the AJC continued. “You have to learn that words are important.”

West’s social shift following his controversial two-part interview on the Fox News show, in which he discussed the backlash evoked by wearing a “White Lives Matter” shirt for his Yeezy show at Paris Fashion Week on Monday -Media activity suddenly shifted from Instagram to Twitter on Friday night, where he called out meta owner Mark Zuckerberg. West last used Twitter on November 2020, Election Day.

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