Jen Stark’s Trippy Graphics Is On Display At Pop-Up Brooklyn.

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  • Los Angeles-based artist Jen Stark recently opened a popup exhibition in Brooklyn.
  • The Cascade digital exhibit can be viewed on the William Vale Williamsburg Hotel page until October 24.

This is not your average popup. Instead, implement a 6,000-square-foot area where each room is dedicated to a different visual sign, Jen Stark’s Trippy be it lines, color stacks, or triplet circles. Most of the work discussed here is designed on white walls, although they sense movement and follow you as you move.

This project, initiated by Art Market Productions, is the artist’s most ambitious to date. Jen Stark’s Trippy works with computer programmers trained in augmented reality and projection mapping to create kaleidoscopic technical experiences. Visualizations change over time, and audio makes one feel like they are underwater.

This is more than an optical illusion; it is inspired by mathematical models such as the Fibonacci series and Riemannian geometry. Stark creates a colorful universe that lacks a straightforward narrative co-presented with the United Talent Agency and Joshua Liner Projects. Instead, it’s a free-flowing experience of color, light, and sound.

But what does one make out of the colorful sea, and what does that mean for the artist?

As Stark explains: “I was inspired by nature and its relationship to the spirit world. I love how to design; in essence, is based on mathematical equations and fractals. Sacred geometry, evolution, and plant growth are some of my inspirations. ” We can’t help but think about their connection to 1960s abstraction, Frank Stella or Bridget Riley. Or a triple painting by Alex Gray.

As Stark explains, “My love of color stems from its use in nature. I’m very attracted to this dichotomy. meant to get your attention, and I like to play with these ideas in my work.”

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