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In The Fight Against Theft, Pet Kidnapping Will Be A New Felony.

Pet Kidnapping

Key Sentence:

  • Kidnapping became a crime after the spike in thefts recorded during the coronavirus blockade.
  • Pet theft is currently treated as the loss of property from its owner, but ministers want new laws that recognize the emotional stress it can cause.

The proposal Pet Kidnapping is one of a series of recommendations in the Pet Theft Working Group report to combat the increase in incidents during the blockade.

About 2,000 dogs were stolen last year.

The working group – made up of officials, police, prosecutors, and local authorities. Received evidence from animal rights groups, campaigners, scientists, and other experts. His report found that seven out of ten animal thefts were recorded by police-involved dogs.

Although criminal offenses under the Theft Act 1968 have a maximum duration of seven years. Ministers say there is little evidence this was used, as the severity of the sentence is determined in part by the monetary value of the property stolen.

It is not know Pet Kidnapping what the maximum penalty for the new pet abduction crime is. Citing data from the Dogs Trust, the report said prices for the UK’s five most wanted dog breeds. Rose “significantly” during the first national blockade, with some rising to 89%.

The working group suggested that this might make dog theft more attractive to criminals looking to capitalize on the strong demand for pets. Meanwhile, Google searches for “buy a puppy” rose more than 160% in the months between March and August 2020. After the UK’s first nationwide blockade.

The working group recommendations also include:

  • Request additional information when registering a microchip, especially when transferring ownership
  • easier access to various microchip databases available to facilitate tracking of lost or stolen dogs
  • Improve the collection and recording of animal theft data
  • additional police and other initiatives to raise awareness of prevention advice.

The working group is also considering measures such as requiring proof of identity for all online pet advertisements. The ability to allow owners to register their dogs with the police, including photos and DNA, as well as contact information and microchips.

Officials hope the proposal will make it harder for thieves to kidnap and sell pets. Make it easier for police to catch offenders, and the penalties and penalties imposed on violators will reflect the impact on the animals.
