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Google faces complaints from EU user groups over privacy concerns and could be found guilty


In the past, Google faces complaints European Union antitrust authorities have fined Google more than 8 billion euros ($8.4 billion, or nearly Rs.66,300).

Alphabet’s Google faces complaints unit has targeted a French consumer group and its partners with complaints to data protection authorities about the large amount of personal data collected from users through their Google accounts, European consumer organization BEUC said on Thursday.

In addition to French consumer groups, others in Greece, the Czech Republic. Norway, and Slovenia have lodged their complaints with their data protection authorities, BEUC said.

German consumer protection authorities have sent warning letters to Google that could lead to civil lawsuits. In contrast, consumer protection authorities in the Netherlands, Denmark. And Sweden have written warnings of Google’s practices to their data protection authorities.

According to BEUC, the problem lies in registering a Google account.

“The language Google used at every step of the registration process was unclear, incomplete, and misleading,” the group said.

“Google is also identifying more privacy-friendly options such as skipping benefits. Unfortunately, this prevents users from making informed decisions. When making their choices and leads to unfair, non-transparent, and unlawful processing of their data,” he said.

In previous privacy complaints, Google has stated that users can edit. Delete, or pause settings and also explained to users that Google collects their data to improve its services.

Google, which has been fine more than 8 billion euros ($8.4 billion, or nearly 66,300 kroner) by EU antitrust authorities and is the focus of two ongoing antitrust investigations. Could face a fine of up to 2 percent if found to make sales worldwide antitrust. Violation of EU confidentiality rules.

Several agencies complained to their data protection officers about tracking Google users four years ago but have yet to take action. With the latest complaints, they want to increase the pressure on regulatory authorities.
