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Google CEO Sundar Pichai has revealed the name of the school he attended in Chennai

Google CEO Sundar Pichai

When Pichai was appoint CEO of Alphabet Inc., several educational institutions claim that Pichai was one.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai finally gave a vent to the school he attended. When Pichai was appointed CEO of Alphabet Inc., several educational institutions claim that Pichai was one. In the same week he became CEO of Google, nearly 350 changes were made to the Wikipedia page in the same week he became CEO of Google.

Pichai is not only the CEO of a major technology company, but he is also one of the 100 most influential in the world. During an interview at Stanford Business School, Pichai was ask about his school. The interviewer showed him the list of schools on his Wikipedia page. Where Pichai said that the two names that appeared on Wikipedia were correct and added that he had completed his schooling at Vana Vani in Chennai. The school is located on the IIT Madras campus.

Pichai also reveal that he is said to have working out at home.

The report even reached his Wikipedia page, but he clarified that the news was not valid. Pichai’s Wikipedia page already shows detailed information about his schools in India. As for Pichai’s higher education, Pichai entered the coveted IIT Kharagpur and won a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering. He then went to Stanford University to earn a master’s degree in materials science and engineering Also a master’s degree in business management from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

In 2004, Pichai led product management for Google’s client software suite, including Google Chrome. He is mainly in charge of Google Drive, Chrome OS, and others at Google. In 2013, Android was another big thing develop under his leadership. Andy Rubin previously ruled it. However, his first job was not at Google. Previously, he worked in engineering and product management at Applied Materials and in management consulting at McKinsey & Company.

Pichai was elect CEO of Google in 2015. He succeeded Larry Page, who co-founded Google with Sergey Brin. In 2019, Pichai became CEO of Alphabet Inc, a Google subsidiary.
