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French President Says Australian Prime Minister Lied About Submarine Deal.

French President

French President Emmanuel Macron said Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison lied to him about the damaged submarine deal. When asked if he thought Mr. Morrison was wrong, the President replied, “I don’t think I know.” Macron was furious after Australia canceled a $37 billion (£27 billion) contract to build 12 submarines and instead negotiated a new defense pact with the United States and Britain – known as August.

Mr. Morrison denies being dishonest. The two met at this G20 summit in Rome for the first time since the dispute broke out in September. On the sidelines of the meeting, President Macron was ask by an Australian journalist to trust Morrison again.

“We’ll see what he gives us,” Macron replied.

“I have great respect for your country. I have a lot of respect and friendship for your people. I’m just saying that if we have respect, you have to be loyal and consistent and consistently behave with these values. The broken deal created a bitter rift between France, Australia, and the US.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian condemned the decision as a “slap in the back. And Paris temporarily sacked its ambassadors in Australia and the United States. Following Macron’s comments, Scott Morrison told reporters. He had not lied to the President and previously said that conventional submarines would no longer meet Australia’s defense needs.

He added that the restoration of trust and relations between the two countries had begun.

Biden acknowledged that the United States had been “awkward” to negotiate during a seemingly uncomfortable exchange. However, Macron said it was necessary “to look to the future.”

The Heads of State or Government will have more time to improve relations. As all three now travel to the Scottish city of Glasgow for the COP26 climate summit.

Media signature, “risky bet” for Australia to side with the United States for China.

The Aukus Pact would allow Australia to build a nuclear submarine for the first time using technology provided by the United States. It has been one of Australia’s best significant defense partnerships in decades. The pact thwarted a contract signed by Australia in 2016 for France to build 12 conventional submarines. However, China has condemned the deal as “grossly irresponsible.”
