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Frank Fury: Managers Support Entrepreneurs Produce Directions For Their Customers.

Frank Fury

Key Sentence:

  • As we continue to watch the growth of startups ranging from online courses to training.
  • The second wave of business development provides these entrepreneurs with the infrastructure to do so, albeit still relatively weakly.

One area Frank Fury that has developed in recent years is lead generation. While areas of digital marketing such as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising are constantly evolving, we see today that traditional forms of marketing such as cold calling are being done more effectively online.

Frank Fury, the founder of the Millionaire Education Academy, is an entrepreneur. Who started a business to help people generate leads and land business without spending hundreds of hours sending complex messages.

Start early

Fury, 24, was born in South Africa and grew up with aspirations of becoming an accountant. Which led him to an internship in Hong Kong, where he made his first business contacts. It was also the time in his life when he first discovered the concept of coaching and signed up for his first coaching session.

Since he was interested in fitness, after creating decent social media. He followed people who asked for advice and set up his workout program as an online business. It was a relatively slow start, but as time went on, Fury began to attract customers. He soon realized that his talent was finding and winning customers, not just developing and training programs for them. He decided to start a business teaching people how to get clients into their coaching business.

Artificial intelligence magnification

In building his business, the first niche he naturally focused on was fitness to effectively teach fitness entrepreneurs how to develop their online listings and generate leads. At first, most of the work was manual, with Fury training them and helping them generate leads for a fee of $1,000.

Then, he realized that having a well-structured exit strategy through platforms like Linkedin. Facebook could yield great results, and that was not what many companies were looking for.

Over time, as he structures his processes and incorporates things like videos. He can increase his cost per customer, transfer that knowledge to other industries outside the fitness industry, and offer a more personalized service to a more significant customer who can afford it. That is where his team will take all their action.

The company currently employs nine people and has a strong focus on building systems using technologies. Such as Artificial Intelligence to automate and optimize many iterative performed and aggregated processes to expand and serve its customers effectively.

As more also more people become entrepreneurs also need to win over their customers, companies like Fourier’s are becoming. An essential part of the ecosystem to ensure that entrepreneurs can find their customers effectively to focus on teaching them the basics without having to build large teams. Which means a pretty big effort.
