EventHQ: Simplifying Event Operations and Marketing with Intelligence

EventHQ’s journey began with Chameli Kuduva’s passion for entrepreneurship and community building.


  • EventHQ was founded by Chameli Kuduva and Hari Pragdish in 2023.
  • Chameli Kuduva is an experienced entrepreneur, previously founding SaaS Insider and working at companies like OrangeScape, Freshworks, and Hiver.
  • Hari Pragdish has a background in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and previously founded Supercharge. He has also worked at Efficient Capital Labs, Qlinks.app, Esper, Freshworks, and Zoho Corporation.


  • EventHQ’s journey began with Chameli Kuduva’s passion for entrepreneurship and community building.
  • In 2020, she founded SaaS Insider, a B2B SaaS community that quickly grew to over 10,000 members, serving as a platform for knowledge sharing through webinars, meetups, and conferences.
  • Recognizing challenges in event data management, especially during the shift to virtual events amid the pandemic, Chameli and Hari identified a gap in the market, leading to the inception of EventHQ.

What EventHQ Does:

  • EventHQ is an EventOps and Intelligence platform designed to support event marketing teams, streamlining information flow, automating engagement, and offering in-depth ROI analytics.
  • The platform connects revenue teams, marketing, and data in one centralized place, providing a unified system for event management and operations.

Focus Areas:

  1. Event Management: Encompasses the overall planning and execution of an event.
  2. Event Operations (EventOps): Focuses on managing logistics, staff, and operations during the event, requiring meticulous planning.
  3. Data Unification: EventHQ brings together scattered event data from various sources, including forms, webinar tools, conferences, and spreadsheets.
  4. Efficiency and Automation: The platform streamlines information flow, automates engagement processes, and provides detailed ROI analytics.
  5. Centralized Hub: Serves as a central hub for managing and tracking different elements of event operations and marketing.

Funding and Investors:

  • EventHQ raised $500,000 in a pre-seed funding round led by Powerhouse Ventures.
  • Angel investors participating in the funding include Vijay Shankar, Arjun Pillai, and Karthik Ramamoorthy.
  • The startup initiated a waitlist and onboarded early customers to gather feedback and insights before entering the beta phase.

Challenges Addressed:

  • Scattering of event data across various tools and platforms.
  • Lack of a unified system for effective data aggregation and analysis.
  • Difficulty in assessing the ROI of events.
  • Operational inefficiencies in event management and EventOps.

Market Opportunity:

  • The global corporate event market is projected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2031.
  • Factors driving market growth include ease of visa restrictions, infrastructural development investments, and increased global travel.

Quote – Chameli Kuduva, Founder, EventHQ:

  • “Businesses have started prioritising event-led growth; however, data around events is still stored separately, making it challenging to effectively carry out event operations and assess the return on investment (ROI). There has been a noticeable rise in the number and variety of events, and we believe EventHQ can address this challenge.”

Future Plans:

  • EventHQ plans to enter the beta phase, where the platform will be tested in real-world scenarios to identify and address any bugs or issues.
  • The startup aims to refine its offerings based on valuable feedback from early customers.

EventHQ addresses the growing importance of events in corporate growth strategies by providing a comprehensive solution for managing, analyzing, and optimizing event operations and marketing efforts. The platform’s focus on unifying scattered data and providing actionable insights positions it as a valuable tool in the dynamic and expanding corporate event landscape.

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