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Entrepreneur Rey Rey Rodriguez: “It All Started With Photography”

Rey Rey Rodriguez

Entrepreneur Rey Rey Rodriguez is a South Florida based, renowned visual artist and content creator, known for his unorthodox art, and his ability to help other public figures achieve stardom.  Few people have managed to quickly rise to the top of several fields the way he has.

Starting out as a photographer in 2006, he shot portraits, street art, and created horror shoots and short films as a hobby.  He then added extreme sports, combat sports, fetish, pin-up, and private party clients to his portfolio.

Five years later, with social media being the new hot thing, and all of his work being uploaded and promoted on all of the major platforms, he quickly gained a large online following.  After 100k followers on Facebook, the next move for Rey Rey was to figure out a way to monetize from these potential clients. 

With the demand for Rodriguez’s photography continuing to skyrocket, he turned his hobby and passion and into a career by founding his company, The Mind of Rey Rey.   Which grew from a small photography business into a multimedia and creative branding business that has helped individuals, brands, and companies of all sizes expand and gain an online presence. 

By 2016, Rodriguez’s photography, artworks, and collaborations with public figures, celebrities, athletes and major companies could be found everywhere worldwide, and his company grew into a powerful force in the world of internet / online marketing.

Today, Rey Rey Rodriguez remains scouted by many with the hopes of gaining the opportunity to pose in front of his camera. His renowned commercial, fine art, street, dark, and combat sports photography, as well as his mastery of personal branding, and his unorthodox social media and digital marketing methods remain unparalleled.

When asked, what he thought was the most important decision he’s made in his climb to the top, he responded: “Discovering my passion. I journey hasn’t been easy, and there’s been too many decisions made to choose from. But, I do know that had I never picked up a camera and started shooting, I’d probably be stuck in a 9-5 job that I hate. It all started with photography.”

The Mind of Rey Rey website:

Rey Rey Rodriguez’s Facebook:

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Monish Solanki: