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Employees At McDonald’s In The United States Have Gone On Strike.

Employees At McDonald

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  • McDonald’s employees went to restaurants in twelve American cities to protest that the fast-food giant was implicated in sexual harassment allegations.

Organizers, which have carried out five harassment strikes since 2018, said McDonald’s had “largely ignored” the complaining front workers. Cashiers and cooks are out Tuesday in Chicago, Detroit, Houston, and Miami, among others. The chain said that “there is no place for sexual harassment and assault at McDonald’s.”

It is not clear how many of them joined the strike.

According to Fight for $15, the campaign group that ran the campaign. Activists say the chain is not doing much to address the problem in franchised restaurants. Which make up the majority, but also in company-owned businesses. In addition, officials who speak up face retaliatory measures such as cuts or layoffs, organizers said.

“I’m on strike because, despite years of protests, McDonald’s still refuses to take responsibility for the many women and teens. Who are harass in its stores around the world,” said Jamelie Fairley, a McDonald’s team member in Sanford, Florida. “No matter what McDonald’s says, not much has changed for workers like me.

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In the same survey conducted by unions, 71% said they suffered from reporting behavior. McDonald’s boss fired after meeting an team member. After McDonald’s reviewed workplace safety earlier this year, it said all employees, both company and franchised stores. Would be require to complete anti-bullying training starting next January.

However, campaign participants said the message “lacks details,” including what could happen to those who don’t follow the rules. In a statement, McDonald’s said it was committe to “thoroughly investigating” the allegations at its company’s restaurants and expects franchisees to “comply with such standards.”

“Everyone who works in a McDonald’s restaurant has the right to feel safe and respected. When they come to work, and there is no place for sexual harassment and assault in any McDonald’s restaurant,” he said. “They know more work is needed to further our ambitions at work, so all 40,000 McDonald’s restaurants [worldwide] are respected and held accountable for the brand’s global standards. “This standard prioritizes action in many areas, including preventing harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.
