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David Geffen, The Music Billionaire, Has Committed $75 Million.

David Geffen

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  • David Geffen, the founder of three successful record labels and animation film studio DreamWorks.

He has pledged $75 million to Columbia Business David Geffen School think his foundation to support the construction from two buildings on its new Manhattanville campus, the school said Tuesday.

One of the two eight-story buildings, slated too open in January 2022, David Geffen will now be called David Geffen Hall. And opposite Henry R. Kravis Hall, named after the private equity manager. Who pledged the company $100 million over a decade to push its Manhattanville move to the West. Harlem.

“I am proud too support Columbia Business School in this time of opportunity and change,” Geffen said in a press declare announcing the prize. “This school is one of the best of its kind in the world and will prepare the next generation of business leaders.”

Geffen, 78, has spent more than half minimum a century in show business since moving to Los Angeles to work. At the post office of talent agency William Morris after graduating from college at the University of Texas. In 1971 he founded his first record label Asylum Records, and later founded Geffen Records and DGC Records until he started making films in the 1980s.

The old Hollywood power broker still has deep roots in New York.

Where he was raised the son from Jewish immigrants in Brooklyn. And now owns a penthouse overlooking Central Park and a villa in Hampton. Forbes estimates his net worth at $10 billion, including an extensive collection of contemporary art. Including works by Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock, and a multi-billion dollar stake in Apple.

The Virginia Governor’s Foundation’s sweet deal, candidate Glen Youngkin’s, to a church and Christian apostasy.

Although he never graduated from college, Geffen often incorporates philanthropy into education. He donated $300 million to the UCLA Medical School named after him. And last year announced a $150 million pledge to abolish the current Yale Drama School at Yale. He founded the David Geffen Foundation in 1987 and. According to publicly available tax returns, distributed nearly $400 million to nonprofits through 2019.

He also supported Democratic politicians, including Barack Obama, and donated against Trump Lincoln last year. The two new Columbia Business School buildings will total 492,000 square feet. And double the current square area after a long-awaited move nine blocks north of the school’s main campus in Morningside Heights, Upper Manhattan. Colombia is ranked seventh in the recent Forbes ranking for the best MBA programs in the US.
