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Craig Newmark vows $100m to US cybersecurity efforts

Craig Newmark was worth $1.3 billion in 2020 and promised to give away nearly all his fortune to charitable causes in December 2022.

Craig Newmark was worth $1.3 billion in 2020 and promised to give away nearly all his fortune to charitable causes in December 2022.

Craig Newmark, the 71-year-old founder of Craigslist, has pledged $100 million to support US cybersecurity, marking a significant contribution to one of his four core philanthropic focus areas: military families and veterans, cybersecurity, journalism, and pigeon rescue.

With this latest commitment, Newmark’s total philanthropic contributions have reached $400 million since 2015.

Significant Investments in Cybersecurity

Newmark has already allocated over 20% of the recent $100 million pledge to various organizations working on cybersecurity initiatives.

One notable recipient is Common Sense Media, which received $2 million to boost efforts, including a cybersecurity awareness campaign targeted at parents and teachers.

Newmark’s goal is to bolster the nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure by empowering experts and organizations with the resources they need.

Inspired by Philanthropy and Faith

Newmark’s philanthropic endeavors are inspired by the Jewish concept of tikkun olam, meaning “repairing the world.” His approach to giving is hands-off, as he provides resources without setting strict conditions for grant recipients.

His method allows experts to take charge and utilize the funds in the most effective way possible. This hands-off approach aligns with his belief that supporting the right people and organizations without interference yields the best results.

Future Plans and Opportunities

While $88 million of his $100 million cybersecurity pledge remains uncommitted, Newmark is actively seeking proposals through his foundation’s website.

He personally reviews these applications, ensuring that the initiatives align with his vision for a more secure and safe digital landscape.

Newmark’s philanthropic journey exemplifies his commitment to creating meaningful change, particularly in sectors vital to national security and societal well-being. His significant investments continue to shape the future of US cybersecurity.
