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Covid-19 cases in the United States rises more than before

Covid-19 cases in the United States

Because of the increase in at-home testing, we may be undercounting Covid-19 cases even more than before

As the number of Covid-19 cases in the United States rises. Experts wonder if the country fully comprehends the current pandemic threat.

Due to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, only 7% of positive Covid-19 cases in the United States are detected, implying that case rates are 14.5 times higher than officially reported. The infection detection rate was this low at the pandemic’s start in March 2020.
“It’s a dynamic situation, and things are changing quickly,” said Ali Mokdad. The institute’s professor and chief strategy officer for population health.

Cases have long been undercounted, but one reason they may be off is that. Due to the National Institutes of Health, the digit of Covid-19 tests performed in non-traditional settings, such as at home, has already surpassed the number performed in laboratories.

As the use of at-home Covid-19 tests grows, so does concern that most test results will go unreported. Resulting in an undercount of the actual number of Covid-19 cases across the country. Another reason detection is so low, according to Mokdad, is that most people infect with the Omicron coronavirus variant do not exhibit symptoms, so they are unaware that a test is available.

Some people may become more cautious if they learn that there are a lot of Covid-19 cases in their area.

This can keep them from becoming ill and spreading the virus.

Testing can also tell public health officials what precautions to take to keep people safe. For example, when cases in Philadelphia recently increased, the city reinstated an indoor mask requirement.

“We always have to stay ahead of this and not just hope it goes away,” said Mara Aspinall. A testing expert and a professor of practice in Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions.
