Carly Simon has paid tribute to her two sisters who died in one day from cancer

“As sad as today is, it’s impossible to mourn them without celebrating the extraordinary life they have lived,” said Simon

Carly Simon mourns the loss of her two sisters, Joanna and Lucy Simon, who both died of cancer this week.

The 75-year-old musician spoke about the loss in a statement to news. After it was reveal that Joanna, 85, died of thyroid cancer on Wednesday and Lucy, 82, of metastatic breast cancer on Thursday.

“I am sadden to speak of the deaths of Joanna and Lucy Simon. Their loss will be long and haunting,” Simon said in a statement to news. “As sad as this day is, it’s impossible to mourn them without celebrating the incredible life they have lived. We are three brothers who not only take turns down the blazing path and mark each other’s paths. We are part of each other’s secrets. Guardian of his memory.” The deaths of Lucy, a Tony Award-nominated Broadway composer. And Joanna, an opera singer, were confirm mnnjm to Deadline on Friday.

Her younger brother, Peter Simon, a longtime photographer of Martha’s Vineyard, died in 2018 at the age of 71 from a diagnosis of lung cancer. lungs.

“I have no words to describe the feeling of suddenly being the only direct descendant of Richard and Andrea Simon who left,” Simon said. Adding that their sister “touched everyone they know. We who were left behind would be lucky and feel honor to wear them. to pass on their memories. Musician Van Dyke Parks, Simon’s collaborator, expresse his condolences on Twitter following the news. Calling “You’re So Vein – singer “one of the most deserving artists I’ve ever managed”.

Lucy and Carly were early collaborators in the 1960s when they form the legendary folk duo The Simon Sisters with Carly. Together the two shared the song Wynken, Blynken & Nod in 1964 before Lucy went to nursing school and marriy David Levine in 1967. Simon and Levine have two children together, Jamie and Julie.

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