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Cardi B Collaborated With Starco Brands To Produce Whipped Cream.

Cardi B

Key Sentence:

  • Ross Sklar is an entrepreneur also innovator dedicated to changing the category of consumer goods.

Starco Brands, Cardi B a publicly-traded company he retired from the Starco Group’s manufacturing business in 2017. Has experience reinventing product categories where innovation is lacking. The firm already has a few hits on hand, but Sklar hopes his next big idea. Whipshots, will be the biggest hit of all – thanks to an exciting collaboration with global artist Cardi B.

Sklar’s history lies in chemicals and aerosols, and that experience is at the heart of Starco’s innovation. “

The company’s introductory Cardi B product, Breathe, is the first and only aerosol-powered cleaning. Product accredited by the Environmental Protection Agency for Safer Selection. It is followed by Winona, a line of popcorn spray based on consumers’ longstanding frustration with traditional salt and sugar ending up at the bottom of their bags.

The third product, Honu, is a coral sunscreen that comes with a wand so you can apply it to hard-to-reach areas of your body. Now Sklar and Starco Brands are launching Whipshots, whipped cream with 10% vodka. The product, the result of four years of research and development by the company. Initially available in three different flavors – caramel, vanilla, and chocolate – and can be stored on the shelf instead of refrigerated.

At Clear, products are consumed in different ways – from fancy décor to your cocktail to kick-in with your dessert. “Ultimately, this is innovation in celebration,” he said. “This is the spirit of food – it will be behind the bar or on the shelf in a restaurant kitchen.”This is not meant to ignore the technology built into the product. If Sclar is enthusiastic about the concept of whip shots – he describes it as the “Trojan horse in all other drinks.

“We are the only company in the United States licensed to produce aerosols in a refinery.”

Starco Brands has high hopes for its new company – and Sklar says that introducing a branded product requires a brand name. Hence the step of accepting Cardi B as a partner.

“We’ve been thinking about the perfect match for whip shots for over a year, but Cardi is perfect,” Sklar said. “He was perfect for the serious and ambitious tone we were looking for – he had great passion and enthusiasm and was very dedicated to his fans.”

Cardi B herself looks just as excited. “Whipshots fit my style – top, sexy, quirky,” she says. “Together, we completely updated whipped cream and gave it added popularity. Whipshots are cards in a box. “
