Brandi Carlisle Says “Just in Time” Moves to “Angry Me” Pop Grammy Category

“When the Grammy Awards decided for me, I felt like they were pulling me out of the space I wanted to be,” Carlisle recently told Billboard.

In a new interview on the Billboard cover. Carlisle shares his thoughts on the Academy of Music’s October 2021 decision to nominate his song “Right on Time” in the Pop category at the 2022 Grammy Awards instead of the American Roots category, where it was submitt.

After years of winning Grammy, Americana, Country, and Country Grammy awards and nominations. The 41-year-old The Joke singer previously said. She was “shock and disappoint” in the category Just in time for Best Pop Performance. When nominations for the 2022 Ceremony were announce. Speaking to Billboard, Carlisle reiterated his admiration for the awards show before discussing the change to his music category. The Grammy Awards changed my life. “You gave me the most life-changing opportunity, not just for me but for many people. Said the musician, who has won six awards at the previous Grammy Awards.

He told the publication that removing the American genre “infuriated me,” he told the magazine.

Along with his art, the singer-songwriter says changing the music industry is far more critical than achieving pop success. Which is one reason he’s disappointed to see himself in the pop category. When the Grammy Awards decided for me, I felt like I was take away from where I want to be,” Carlisle said.

At the same time, the Broken artist Horses saw the Grammy’s decision as a “tremendous compliment.”

“I needed to compare those two issues and get into a peaceful place with them,” he explained. Noting that it felt cool “to be in pop with all these kids,” including the winner in the Best Pop-Performance category for 2022, Olivia Rodrigo.

“Community is significant,” Carlisle told Billboard. “You should be able to choose which part you are.”

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