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Based On A Stock Market Investigation, Senator Richard Burr.

Senator Richard Burr

Key Sentence:

  • The electoral commission of 37 current and former lawmakers has donated $280,000 to Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.) Legal Protection Fund, according to the Senate Secretary.

The report demonstrates a deep commitment by Senator Richard Burr lawmakers to their partners in the battle, where the Justice Department was investigating the stock sale before closing the matter in January without making any accusations.

Support is not limited to the Republican Party. Joe Manchin from West Virginia, Krysten Cinema, Senator Richard Burr from Arizona, and Mark Warner from Virginia were a few thousand dollars. The PAC, affiliated with Maine’s Angus King, an ally of the independent Democrats, donated $5,000. King also wrote a personal check to the Burrs Fund for an additional $5,000. Dan Erskine Bowles, Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff, donated $5,000 to support his partner in North Carolina.

The steering group for the 17 incumbent Republican senators contributed $10,000 each.

Previously, had reported dozens of these donations, including those from Mitch McConnell (California) and Lindsay Graham (SK), which were in campaign documents.

The new paper, covering the first half of 2020, shows additional PAC contributions for Susan Collins (Maine). Tom Cotton (Ark), Mike Crapo (Idaho), Tom Tillis (North Carolina), Roger Wicker (Miss). Former Senator Lamar Alexander (Tennessee). PAC’s former Speaker of Parliament, John Boner (R-Ohio), also split more than $10,000. PACs affiliated with seven other Republicans provide smaller numbers.

“Every American has the right to raise funds for their legal protection, and every American has the right to due process and the presumption of innocence,” said campaign spokesman Tillis. And tried by the media, despite a thorough and fair investigation eventually acquitting him.”

Spokespeople for other MPs did not respond to questions.

As Forbes reported in January, “Burr was investigated for selling shares for $628,000 and $1.72 million in February [2020] before the coronavirus hit the market.”
