APRIL’s Chaewon Returns Then Member Hyunjoo’s Instagram Post Activities Can Be Called Botches.”

On June 18, APRIL’s Chaewon took to the gathering’s authentic fan bistro to react to a post that last part Hyunjoo had made on Instagram before that day.

On Instagram, Hyunjoo had composed that she and her family were zeroing in on the claims and mentioned that individuals quit sending individual assaults and malignant remarks toward the APRIL individuals and their associates. In the post, Hyunjoo stated, “Anybody can make wrong moves. Be that as it may, if the individuals who made those moves concede they weren’t right and work to address themselves, I figure they can be excused, and those activities can be called botches.”

Chaewon’s assertion peruses:
Hi, this is APRIL’s Chaewon.

I’m delivering another assertion off chance that fans misconstrue or get stressed over the post that Hyunjoo shared on Instagram today. Posting my assertion recently, posts were transferred, making statements like I had fouled up, yet I did not recognize my destructive behaviors. I prefer to express this again. I have never dedicated any wrongs against Hyunjoo, and I’ve never committed any errors that I should be pardoned for by the same token.

The spread of bogus data and bits of gossip has transformed me into a harasser who dated my chief and constrained them to stay quiet about the tormenting. I’m being treated as though these bogus tales were the genuine truth.

In the explanation that I delivered yesterday, I was careless in not checking more cautiously about the specific dates included. I’m grieved. I posted in a rush since I felt foul play after suffering for a long time, and I’m heartbroken that I created more turmoil. Notwithstanding, I need to say that there was not a solitary lie in the explanation I posted yesterday.

We are presently swamped gathering proof that will uncover reality, such as photographs and witnesses’ declarations. This proof must be gone over to the examination specialists first, and there must likewise be insurance for the observers, so kindly comprehend that we can’t uncover this yet. For the fans who have trusted and sat tight for us, we will reimburse them with reality.

I am much obliged to you.

In February 2021, Hyunjoo’s sibling and her secondary school colleague shared posts internet claiming that the other APRIL individuals had harassed Hyunjoo. DSP Media denied the claims and made a lawful move against Hyunjoo and her loved ones. In April, Hyunjoo delivered an individual proclamation about the claims, which DSP Media again denied. Chaewon and Yena were the principal APRIL individuals who reacted to the allegations, trailed by Naeun and Jinsol.

Hyunjoo made a legitimate move against a previous DSP Media worker, while DSP Media’s criticism body of evidence against Hyunjoo’s colleague was as of late excused by the police. The “past explanation” that Chaewon alludes to in the above post was shared on the authority fan nightclub on June 17.

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