You can adapt your language, both physically and verbally, to connect with people Lynn Franklin

“People’s body language You can adapt will tell you throughout the day what their main style is; you just have to comprehend what to look for and what to do when you see one.”

Lynn Franklin, author and member of the National Speakers Association, speaks and teaches about “how one’s body communicates.”

In her Tedx Talk, she begins by asking, “How would you like to read minds?”

adding that throughout the day, people’s body language will tell you what their main style is; You have to comprehend what to look for and what to do when you see one.”

You can adapt

According to him, the human brain processes information in three ways – observing, listening, and touching. It introduces three different body language models to show how to read people’s body language to read minds. After showing all the models, he developed further: “I want you to start paying attention to other people’s body language to understand how they think. Once you start presenting your idea, they’ll say yes to you more often when they get it.

He added: “I’m not asking you to be someone else because you can’t change how your brain works. You indeed think all three ways, but just as you have a dominant hand and a dominant style, you can’t change it. But you can match your language, both physically and verbally, with those of the people you’re with to build an understanding that will allow you to reach everyone you interact with.

He concludes, “If you practice these three ways if you use this tool to connect with different people, you will be the most persuasive person possible.”

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