Emily Sande wants to heal people with her new album

Emily Sande wants to “heal people with music” after the pandemic.

The 35-year-old singer Emily Sande whose latest recording of “Let’s Say For Instance” was released on May 6 said she thought of her friends who became doctors during the global health crisis and wanted to help.

Appearing on the Rebecca Judd Show Apple Music 1, she said: “I wanted to give people some freedom with music and during lockdown because I used to study medicine.

I said to myself, “Wow, what am I using it? Music is a wonderful thing to have fun and that… I have a privilege, and I love to make music. This is fine for me, but what do I give people, and how can I heal through music?

“So it’s something I always think about. How can I connect and heal through music and give more than pleasure?

Emily says her goal is to give people “a little bit of freedom” by listening to recordings and taking them on trips.

He added, “I just wanted to give people space from start to finish, a little bit of freedom and a place to be encouraged, inspired, and have fun too.”

Meanwhile, the album’s title stems from a desire to “inspire your thoughts and control your destiny.”

She explains: “I think many people get depressed or low vibrations because they don’t believe that a better or brighter future is possible.

So I said to myself, “Okay, just say that.” Forget all the things that will come … logically it will not happen, that … Say, for example, you deserve a great life. For example, let’s say you deserve the love of your life.” The future will be fantastic.

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