“Act Now,” Sir David Attenborough Urges About Climate Change.

Key Sentence:

  • If we don’t act now, it will be too late.” This is a warning from Sir David Attenborough ahead of the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow.
  • The editor said the wealthiest countries have a “moral responsibility” to help the world’s poorest.

And it would be a “huge disaster” if we ignored their problem, he told me in an interview with News. Every day we pass by doing nothing is a wasted day,” he said. The United Nations Climate Change Panel recently concluded that it is “clear” that human activities are causing global temperatures to rise.

And Sir David says it proves that he and others don’t raise “pride for free” and that the risks from a hotter world are real. “What climate scientists have been saying from 20 years and what we have reported. Both you and I is the case – we don’t trigger false positives.

“And every day we do nothing is a wasted day. And it just gets worse.”

However, he said the report did not convince everyone and put the brakes on efforts to combat climate change. “Especially if it costs money in the short term. There’s a temptation to deny the problem and pretend it doesn’t exist. “But each month, it becomes more indisputable. Changes on the planet for which we are responsible have these devastating effects.”

His call for an urgent response reflects the new scientific assessment that global CO2 emissions must be halved by 2030 by 2030 to avoid the worst effects of rising temperatures. For this reason, the coming years have been dubbed the “crucial decade. And the COP26 negotiations are critical to putting the world on a safer path now.

Under the current situation, emissions are expected to continue to increase rather than decrease. And Sir David sounds more irritated than I’ve ever heard before.

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