Meet Mohammed Ali, The Man Who Founded Close Defense 1.

Key Sentence:

  • While many are envious of the lives of the rich, their financial situation often exposes them to specific threats that the public does not have to face.

However, this protection Mohammed Ali can make their lives seem abnormal. To address this, there is a new wave of security companies combining security with a broader lifestyle that includes organizing events and making extensive restaurant reservations. One of the company’s pioneers in this field is Close Protection 1, which entrepreneur Mohamed Ali founded.

Mohammed Ali had a problematic education and spent time between London and Birmingham. He dropped out of school at 16 without a GCSE and had various odd jobs between 16 and 21 for five years. However, at the age of 21, he found work for a prominent company based in Yorkshire, England.

While enjoying his job, he always had the ambition to be his boss. Outside of day-to-day work, he also helps coordinate and provide security services for events and individuals. He was able to win customers through his network and wanted to start his own company. However, he has found that while there are many security companies. Very few will provide holistic protection to those with high net worth. And significant events, including lifestyle and security.

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Mohammed’s vision of providing security that fits into his customers’ lives requires a rethink of the way the company works and the types of people it employs. Historically, this sector will employ primarily former military or police personnel. However, he decided that to offer a lifestyle-oriented service, his employees needed a further education.

This resulted in Close Protection 1 opening a school in Mayfair where they would train guards.

The first 12 months are spent on course training at Mayfair in London, followed by two years in the field. With additional course content to ensure they fully understand the lifestyle of future customers. And how to provide the best service not only for safety but also for general assistance. The final step in setting up is to build relationships with restaurants, event organizers, nightclubs. And various other places these customers frequent to make their experience there as smooth as possible, which they have built over time. .

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