Meet Two Budding Entrepreneurs Taking Business Requests Among Innovation Embrace Entrepreneurship.

Young entrepreneurs in South Africa face many challenges ranging from access to finance and market outreach to confidence. Yet, despite these challenges, some of them choose to be their boss and embrace entrepreneurship.

This podcast, in collaboration with MTN Pulse, talks to Victor Chaytezvi and Inga Gubeka, who have overcome some of these challenges.

Chaytezvi is the founder of Tripplo; a logistics technology company focused on logistics. Chaitezvi emphasizes trust due to age as one of the challenges for young entrepreneurs. According to Chaitezvi, incumbents lack confidence in the ability of young entrepreneurs to fulfill their business promises.

The Governor also highlighted access to finance as one of the challenges for young entrepreneurs. He is the author of Inga Atelier, a leather goods company.

On the Inga Atelier product website, Gubeka explains as a boy who grew up in a week and marginalized village in the Eastern Cape, where people live below the poverty line and are not exposed to the finer things. He described him as a man who grew up with a wire car, a small mud cow, and a house.

Gubeka’s story is similar to that of many other young South Africans, but she has defied these conditions to create a product that deserves national recognition. Of course, he’s not alone, but he’s part of an informal youth club in South Africa that, despite the challenges young entrepreneurs face, ends up making unique products that people will buy.

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