Manufacture Of A Transparent Drug Brand That Removes Problematic Ingredients.

On July 7th, Genexa, Clean Medicine Company, launched a new product to add to their list – to relieve pain and fever in babies. The launch called it “the first all-acetaminophen baby product ever on the market.” Free from artificial flavors, preservatives, and inactive synthetic ingredients.

It has the same active ingredient (acetaminophen) and the same effectiveness as Tylenol Pain and Fever liquid baby products. David Johnson and Max Spielberg, co-founders of Genexa, argue that this is an important distinction. Most over-the-counter medications contain unnecessary inactive ingredients that can cause side effects and allergies, especially with long-term use.

Spielberg allergy sufferers know from personal experience that some people regularly depend on over-the-counter medications, including children.

As Spielberg got older, he said he started reading the list of ingredients in allergy medications he frequently took and noticed that they were made with dyes and dyes that didn’t add to the effectiveness of the medicine. Now, as a father himself, he would not feel comfortable giving these drugs to his children.

So, this duo created a company that keeps the active ingredients running but replaces the inactive ingredients with more natural options. Unfortunately, the data to support their claim that this supplement is problematic is getting stronger.

Recently, a research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that some drugs contain up to 99% inactive ingredients, which would make these fillers, dyes, and dyes equally essential to consider and study.

In addition, the researchers found that about 93% of the drugs contained ingredients that were classified as allergens. This can be a problem for allergic to nuts, lactose, or gluten; for example, what’s even more frustrating because it’s hard to tell if the product has dairy-free or gluten-free ingredients because only peanut allergens are clearly stated.

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